Maður sem bjó um árabil við andlegt, líkamlegt og kynferðisofbeldi af hálfu bróður síns, segir að fyrir sér hafi verið mikilvægara að halda fjölskyldunni saman en að fá bróður sinn dæmdan fyrir brotin. „Ég er ofboðslega sáttur við að það endaði þannig að við erum enn þá fjölskylda,“ segir maðurinn sem var í viðtali við Eddu Falak í hlaðvarpsþættinum Eigin konur.
Bróðirinn sagði sjálfur frá brotunum
Sagðist hann ekki vera þangað kominn til að varpa skömm eða sök á bróður sinn, heldur til að ræða alvarleika þunglyndis sem hann hefur glímt við. Því vilji hann ekki koma fram undir nafni en er kallaður „Pétur“. Í viðtalinu gagnrýnir hann lögregluna fyrir að hafa ekki unnið með sér og fjölskyldu sinni þegar þau vildu halda fjölskyldunni saman þrátt fyrir brotin. „Lögreglan vann aldrei með okkur, alltaf á móti okkur.“
Athygli vekur neikvæð afstaða Péturs, sem og foreldra hans, í garð lögreglu og …
I am Cecilia Maxwell, from Sarasota Florida, I’m a single mom with two kids. I want to speak of the good deal done to me by Jennard Investments Limited, I needed refinancing to pay mortgage and an SME business loan. Before now I had tried seeking loans from banks however, I was declined, I had bad credit. But a fellowship member told me of Jennard Investments Limited. I decided to contact the company and as God would have it, I successfully secured a loan $45,000 on the 16th of December 2024. I have made the right choice by contacting them. I advise those out there searching for a good place to get a loan to contact Jennard Investments Limited on They don't know I'm speaking of the good thing they did. :-).,
I am Cecilia Maxwell, from Sarasota Florida, I’m a single mom with two kids. I want to speak of the good deal done to me by Jennard Investments Limited, I needed refinancing to pay mortgage and an SME business loan. Before now I had tried seeking loans from banks however, I was declined, I had bad credit. But a fellowship member told me of Jennard Investments Limited. I decided to contact the company and as God would have it, I successfully secured a loan $45,000 on the 16th of December 2024. I have made the right choice by contacting them. I advise those out there searching for a good place to get a loan to contact Jennard Investments Limited on They don't know I'm speaking of the good thing they did. :-).
I am Cecilia Maxwell, from Sarasota Florida, I’m a single mom with two kids. I want to speak of the good deal done to me by Jennard Investments Limited, I needed refinancing to pay mortgage and an SME business loan. Before now I had tried seeking loans from banks however, I was declined, I had bad credit. But a fellowship member told me of Jennard Investments Limited. I decided to contact the company and as God would have it, I successfully secured a loan $45,000 on the 16th of December 2024. I have made the right choice by contacting them. I advise those out there searching for a good place to get a loan to contact Jennard Investments Limited on They don't know I'm speaking of the good thing they did. :-)