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OPCW management accused of doctoring Syrian chemical weapons report

Wiki­leaks today pu­blis­hes an e-mail, sent by a mem­ber of an OPCW fact-find­ing missi­on to Syria to his super­i­ors, in which he expresses his gra­vest concern over in­tenti­onal bi­as introduced to a redacted versi­on of the report he co-aut­hor­ed.

OPCW management accused of doctoring Syrian chemical weapons report

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons sent a team of experts to investigate allegations that a chemical attack took place in the Syrian city of Douma on the 7th of April 2018. The author of the e-mail was a member of that team and claims the redacted preliminary version of the report, misrepresents the facts he and his colleagues discovered on the ground. The e-mail is dated 22nd of June. It is addressed to Robert Fairweather, Chief of Cabinet, and forwarded to his deputy Aamir Shouket and members of the fact-finding mission to Douma.

He says this misrepresentation was achieved by selective omission, introducing a bias which undermines the credibility of the report. Further it is claimed that crucial facts, that have remained in the redacted version: “...have morphed into something quite different to what was originally drafted.” This is said to have been done at the behest of the Office of the Director General (a post that was held by Turkish diplomat Ahmet Üzümcü at the time, he has since been replaced by Spaniard Fernando Arias).

Fog of war

The attack in question was widely attributed to the Syrian Army, based on reports by rebel forces that were present in Douma at the time, and this assertion was backed up by the United States, British and French governments. These three countries carried out air strikes against Syrian government targets in response, on the 14th of April 2018. This was before the fact-finding team had gained access to the site in Douma, the mission there was delayed for nearly two weeks by entrenched rebel fighters and subsequent clashes between the rebels and government forces that moved into the area.

Upon arrival the team found much of the physical evidence, including the bodies of the deceased, was no longer available. It was alleged that 49 had died and up to 650 had been seriously affected by a weaponized chemical gas released in a specific area of rebel-held Douma on that day in April. Rebels claimed the gas came from cylinders dropped from aircraft, clearly implicating Syrian government forces who had complete air superiority.

A major deviation from the original report”

The redacted interim report seemed to support these conclusions but the author of the released e-mail outlines some specific aspects of it which he considers: “particularly worrisome.”

Firstly, there is a statement in paragraph 8.3 in the final conclusions of the redacted report. It states that there is sufficient evidence to determine the presence of “chlorine, or another reactive chlorine-containing chemical.”

The e-mail points out that this was: “likely one or more chemicals that contain a reactive chlorine atom. Such chemicals could include… the major ingredient of household chlorine-based bleach. Purposely singling out chlorine gas as one of the possibilities is disingenuous.”

Inconsistent symptoms

The redacted report also removed context from a claim in the original draft, which concerned the likelihood of the gas having emanated from cylinders found at the scene in Douma. The original text is said to have purposely emphasised that there was insufficient evidence to affirm this being the case. This is “a major deviation from the original report” according to the author.

He also cites problems with paragraph 8.2 in the redacted version, which states: ”based on the high levels of  various chlorinated organic derivatives detected in environmental samples”. This is said to overstate the case. According to the e-mail: “They were, in most cases, present only in parts per billion range, as low as 1-2 ppb, which is essentially trace quantities.”

One piece of evidence, which was shown on news networks across the world, was a video said to show victims being treated in a hospital in the aftermath of the attack in Douma. The symptoms shown were, however, not consistent with what witnesses reported seeing that day. A detailed discussion of this was apparently omitted from the redacted version of the OPCW report.

The e-mail states: “Omitting this secion of the report (including the Epidemiology which has been removed in its entirety) has a serious negative impact on the report as this section is inextricably linked to the chemical agent identified… In this case, the confidence in the identity of chlorine or any other choking agent is drawn into question precisely because of the inconsistency with the reported and observed symptoms. The inconsistency was not only noted by the fact-finding mission team, but strongly supported by three toxicologists with expertise in exposure to chemical warfare agents.” 

Engineering report was removed

Yet another point of contention is the placement and condition of the cylinders reported to have contained the chemical agent. It has been alleged that their condition may not be consistent with having been dropped from the air, compared to damaged in the immediate surrounding area. This was discussed in an unreleased engineering report from OPCW that Wikileaks published in October 2019 and indicates it is unlikely the cylinders were air-dropped (see previous release: OPCW Whistleblower Panel on the Douma attack of April 2018)

Sections discussing this are largely absent from the redacted report. “This information was important in assessing the likelihood of the ‘presence’ of toxic chemicals versus the ‘use’ of toxic chemicals,” states the e-mail.

The author ends his letter with an appeal to the management to allow him to attach his differing observations to the document. He now wants to address the annual OPCW conference, along with other members of the fact-finding team, which begins on the 25th of November to present the findings that were withheld.

Letter from the whistleblowerThe letter describes grave concerns over the impartiality of the report and the potential impact on the credibility of the OPCW.

Media partnership and co-ordination: La Repubblica (Italy), Stundin (Iceland), Der Spiegel (Germany), Mail on Sunday (UK).

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„Þetta er eins og að búa í einbýlishúsi“

„Þetta er eins og að búa í ein­býl­is­húsi“

Berg­þóra Páls­dótt­ir, Bebba, hef­ur un­un af því að fá gesti til sín í hjól­hýs­ið og finnst þetta svo­lít­ið eins og að búa í ein­býl­is­húsi. Barna­börn­in koma líka í heim­sókn en þau geta ekki far­ið út að leika sér í hjól­hýsa­byggð­inni í Sæv­ar­höfð­an­um: „Þau skilja ekki af hverju við vor­um rek­in úr Laug­ar­daln­um og sett á þenn­an ógeðs­lega stað.“
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Selja aðgang að bílastæðum við Laugardalshöll á 5.990 krónur

Selja að­gang að bíla­stæð­um við Laug­ar­dals­höll á 5.990 krón­ur

Bíla­stæð­in næst Laug­ar­dals­höll­inni verða frá­tek­in fyr­ir þau sem eru til­bú­in að borga hátt í 6 þús­und krón­ur fyr­ir að leggja bíl­um sín­um þar á með­an tón­leik­arn­ir Jóla­gest­ir Björg­vins fara fram á laug­ar­dags­kvöld. Hluti stæð­anna sem Sena sel­ur að­gang að standa á landi Reykja­vík­ur­borg­ar við Engja­veg, ut­an lóð­ar­marka Laug­ar­dals­hall­ar­inn­ar.

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Við erum ekkert „trailer trash“

Við er­um ekk­ert „trailer trash“

Lilja Kar­en varð ólétt eft­ir gla­sa­frjóvg­un þeg­ar hún bjó á tjald­svæð­inu í Laug­ar­daln­um og á dög­un­um fagn­aði dótt­ir henn­ar árs af­mæli. Af­mæl­is­veisl­an var hald­in í hjól­hýsi litlu fjöl­skyld­unn­ar á Sæv­ar­höfða, þar sem þær mæðg­ur búa ásamt hinni mömm­unni, Frið­meyju Helgu. „Okk­ar til­finn­ing er að það hafi ver­ið leit­að að ljót­asta staðn­um fyr­ir okk­ur,“ seg­ir Frið­mey, og á þar við svæð­ið sem Reykja­vík­ur­borg fann fyr­ir hjól­hýsa­byggð­ina.
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Inn­sæi Kar­en­ar öskr­aði: „Það er eitt­hvað að“

Þeg­ar Kar­en Ösp Frið­riks­dótt­ir lá sár­kval­in á kvenna­deild Land­spít­ala ár­ið 2019 var hún sök­uð um verkjalyfjafíkn. Hún hafði þá ver­ið verkj­uð síð­an hún var níu ára. Geð­lækn­ir leiddi að því lík­um að verk­ir henn­ar tengd­ust gervióléttu. Tveim­ur ár­um síð­ar fékk hún loks stað­fest­ingu á því að hún væri með lík­am­leg­an sjúk­dóm. Hún von­ar að heil­brigðis­kerf­ið og sam­fé­lag­ið læri af henn­ar sögu.
„Þetta er eins og að búa í einbýlishúsi“

„Þetta er eins og að búa í ein­býl­is­húsi“

Berg­þóra Páls­dótt­ir, Bebba, hef­ur un­un af því að fá gesti til sín í hjól­hýs­ið og finnst þetta svo­lít­ið eins og að búa í ein­býl­is­húsi. Barna­börn­in koma líka í heim­sókn en þau geta ekki far­ið út að leika sér í hjól­hýsa­byggð­inni í Sæv­ar­höfð­an­um: „Þau skilja ekki af hverju við vor­um rek­in úr Laug­ar­daln­um og sett á þenn­an ógeðs­lega stað.“

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Við erum ekkert „trailer trash“

Við er­um ekk­ert „trailer trash“

Lilja Kar­en varð ólétt eft­ir gla­sa­frjóvg­un þeg­ar hún bjó á tjald­svæð­inu í Laug­ar­daln­um og á dög­un­um fagn­aði dótt­ir henn­ar árs af­mæli. Af­mæl­is­veisl­an var hald­in í hjól­hýsi litlu fjöl­skyld­unn­ar á Sæv­ar­höfða, þar sem þær mæðg­ur búa ásamt hinni mömm­unni, Frið­meyju Helgu. „Okk­ar til­finn­ing er að það hafi ver­ið leit­að að ljót­asta staðn­um fyr­ir okk­ur,“ seg­ir Frið­mey, og á þar við svæð­ið sem Reykja­vík­ur­borg fann fyr­ir hjól­hýsa­byggð­ina.
„Við mætum í vinnuna til þess að sigra“
Á vettvangi

„Við mæt­um í vinn­una til þess að sigra“

Kona sem sit­ur á bið­stofu með fleira fólki er að grein­ast með heila­æxli og það þarf að til­kynna henni það. En það er eng­inn stað­ur sem hægt er að fara með hana á, til að ræða við hana í næði. Í ann­an stað er rætt við að­stand­end­ur frammi, fyr­ir fram­an sjálfsal­ann en þá fer neyð­ar­bjall­an af stað og hama­gang­ur­inn er mik­ill þeg­ar starfs­fólk­ið hleyp­ur af stað. Í fjóra mán­uði hef­ur blaða­mað­ur ver­ið á vett­vangi bráða­mót­tök­unn­ar á Land­spít­al­an­um og fylgst með starf­inu þar.
Tilnefnd sem framúrskarandi ungur Íslendingur en verður send úr landi

Til­nefnd sem framúrsk­ar­andi ung­ur Ís­lend­ing­ur en verð­ur send úr landi

Til stend­ur að hin sýr­lenska Rima Charaf Eddine Nasr verði send úr landi. Hún var á dög­un­um ein af tíu sem til­nefnd voru til verð­laun­anna Framúrsk­ar­andi ung­ur Ís­lend­ing­ur í ár. Til­nefn­ing­una fékk hún fyr­ir sjálf­boða­liða­störf sem hún hef­ur unn­ið með börn­um. Hér á hún for­eldra og systkini en ein­ung­is á að vísa Rimu og syst­ur henn­ar úr landi.
Ný ógn við haförninn rís á Íslandi

Ný ógn við haförn­inn rís á Ís­landi

Hafern­ir falla blóð­ug­ir og vængja­laus­ir til jarð­ar í vindorku­ver­um Nor­egs sem mörg hver voru reist í og við bú­svæði þeirra og helstu flug­leið­ir. Hætt­an var þekkt áð­ur en ver­in risu og nú súpa Norð­menn seyð­ið af því. Sag­an gæti end­ur­tek­ið sig á Ís­landi því mörg þeirra fjöru­tíu vindorku­vera sem áform­að er að reisa hér yrðu á slóð­um hafarna. Þess­ara stór­vöxnu rán­fugla sem ómæld vinna hef­ur far­ið í að vernda í heila öld.

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