Secret Recording Exposes Political Deals Behind Iceland’s Whaling Licenses

Secret Record­ing Exposes Political Deals Behind Ice­land’s Whal­ing Licens­es

Prime Mini­ster Bjarni Bene­dikts­son has gran­ted whal­ing licens­es to two Icelandic whal­ing operati­ons. But secret record­ings of the son and bus­iness partner of a mem­ber of parlia­ment revea­led a political scheme behind the decisi­on, alle­ged­ly in­volving Bjarni tra­ding political favours that ensured that the MP’s close friend would recei­ve a whal­ing licen­se, even if political parties oppos­ing whal­ing were to take power.
Criticizes the Tivoli in Copenhagen: "We Greenlanders are just objects on posters"

Criticizes the Tivoli in Copen­hagen: "We Green­land­ers are just obj­ects on posters"

The Green­landic musician Varna Mari­anne Niel­sen was used to advertise a cultural fair about Green­land that she did not participa­te in. The fair was held in the Tivoli in Copen­hagen in the beg­inn­ing of Aug­ust. She was never asked for permissi­on before the photo was used. Varna claims that the Tivoli would never have do­ne this to a Dan­ish art­ist. The Tivoli says its sorry.
The Fishrot-case: 9 out of 10 Icelanders believe that Samherji bribed Namibian politicians
EnglishHeimavígi Samherja

The Fis­hrot-ca­se: 9 out of 10 Iceland­ers believe that Sam­herji bri­bed Nami­bi­an politicians

The maj­o­rity of Ice­land's pop­ulati­on believes that the is­land's lar­gest fis­hing comp­any, Sam­herji, bri­bed politicians in Nami­bia to get acquire hor­se mack­erel quotas. The so cal­led Fis­hrot ca­se is the lar­get corrupti­on scan­dal that has come up in Nami­bia and Ice­land and ten su­spects will be indicted in it in Namb­ia.
An Icelandic fishing company bribed officials in Namibia and used Norway's largest bank to  transfer 70 million dollars to a tax haven

An Icelandic fis­hing comp­any bri­bed officials in Nami­bia and used Norway's lar­gest bank to trans­fer 70 milli­on doll­ars to a tax haven

Ice­land lar­gest fis­hing comp­any Sam­herji used accounts in DNB NOR, a stately ow­ned Norweg­i­an to trans­fer the proceeds of its fis­hing in Africa. Part of the mo­ney comes from Sam­herji's fis­hing of hor­se mack­erel in Nami­bia were the comp­any has paid bri­bes to officials to secure its access to quotas.

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